How Curiosity Helps Gary Vaynerchuk Be One of the Best in Social Media

Creativity has been defined as the foundation for innovation and it goes hand in hand with marketing, both being very important factors when you are running a business, as Peter F. Drucker puts it: Business has only two functions — marketing and innovation There are several things you can do to increase your creativity. An important […]

4 Simple Ways to Be Happier

Quantum physics teaches us that our thoughts are vibrations of energy. They vibrate at a certain frequency that is drawn to and attracts elements that vibrate at the same frequency. Our thoughts are our main creative force in life so what you focus on you attract. The mind is everything. What you think you become. – Buddha […]

Simple Meditation Technique for the Healthy Entrepreneur

In the latest Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, entrepreneurs score higher than other workers regarding being worried and stressed out. Are you one of those entrepreneurs that neglect their health to reach a business goal? Is it worth it? I really hope your answer is no and that you agree with me that nothing is worth your […]

Creativity Can Give You Competitive Advantage – Think Big

What is creativity? Creativity has been defined as a thought process that leads to something new and useful. When a creative idea is implemented it is called innovation. According to a survey conducted by IBM, where they interviewed more than 1,500 CEOs from 60 countries and 33 industries; creativity is what is needed for success. […]

3 Steps to Increase Your Productivity

Can you enjoy quality time with your family, friends and yourself as well as run your own business? This is a common question I get. And my answer is: Yes you can. I recently read that in the early 1900s, Henry Ford wanted more productivity from his employees, so he decided to increase their schedule […]